Sunday, August 5, 2007
Reasons Why Men Should Shave Their Privates...?
Here are seven reasons why men should consider shaving their privates. No, I'm not talking about the Army, although a "soldier" at attention, with a shiny helmet and a loaded weapon, is definitely involved.Most men worry obsessively about the hair on their heads but rarely give a second thought to their pubic hair. Only when the time is right with that special lady do men realize they should have spent some time grooming their privates. Guys, here are 7 compelling reasons why you should groom your pubic hair or even remove it completely.
1. Cleanliness
The crotch is a focal point for heat, sweat, and bacteria. Cropping or removing your pubic hair makes that area much easier to keep clean, and more importantly, smelling clean and manly. She's more likely to explore that area up close if it's well maintained.
2. Novelty
The contrast between your obviously adult-sized package and your new hairlessness can be quite erotic, and not just to you! Your lover may gush over the idea of making love to what now has the illusion of being forbidden fruit.
3. It's More Inviting
If you remove most or all of her objections to performing oral sex on you, isn't it worth the trouble? Pay special attention to removing stray hairs from your shaft. Hair in the mouth sucks, but she won't if she finds one.
4. Don't Forget The Scrotum
A woman's body is playground of softness and smoothness, so don't you think she'll appreciate the same on you? A silky smooth ball sack invites both manual and oral caresses. She's far more likely to play down there if she doesn't have to use a weed-whacker to find it.
5. It's Healthier
She'll see immediately that you have no skin outbreaks or unwanted "critters" to hide. Furthermore, you will have greater manual sensitivity when you perform your periodic testicular self-exam. You do examine yourself regularly, don't you? You should. The earlier you catch any problems, the easier they are to fix.
6. It's Fun To Let Her Do It!
That's right, let her shave you! This is not only an exercise in trust, but a highly-suspenseful erotic thrill ride. The danger of an ultra sharp razor in such a sensitive area, the tension of long slow razor strokes, the aching of your pulse-pounding erection, and the foamy friction of her shaving-creamed hand on your shaft can intensify your pleasure like you never thought possible. Just don't make any sudden moves.And most importantly (to some at least):
7. It Makes Your Erection Look Huge
I'm not kidding - you will swear that you gained at least an extra inch in length! If your crotch is not groomed regularly, you probably have pubic hair at least part way up your shaft. Your penis "appears" to begin where that pubic hair ends. Remove the underbrush and your hidden length will be revealed.When you're grooming the hair on your "big head," don't forget about the hair on the "little head" too! Whether you do it to please yourself or a partner (or both), regular pubic hair grooming or even total pubic hair removal can spice up your love life. If you like it enough, consider permanent removal methods such as laser hair removal or electrolysis. Note that some people experience moderate to intense itching the first few days after shaving as the pubic hair grows back. You might want your first grooming experience to be at the beginning of a weekend so you're not squirming in your office chair all day Monday! The itching should decrease or stop if you continue to groom yourself regularly.And if the guys in the gym locker room make fun of you, first ask them why they are checking out your package. In the embarrassed silence that follows, tell them why you did it, that you're having twice as much sex as they are, and what she's doing now that she wouldn't do before! Then get ready to answer their questions.
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11:19 AM
Friday, August 3, 2007
Problems Facing Today's Teens
Teen problems are growing. If you think that being a teen today is the same as it was when you were in their shoes, you are probably mistaken. Now, listen to yourself say how strict and how hard life was when you where young. But, you need to realize that teens today face huge, life threatening decisions just about ever day. What they face has a lot to do with where they grow up. Yet do not be fooled into thinking that your child is safe.
In the normal course of your teen's day, he or she may face any of these things; one or more of them.
Think that drugs are simple like they used to be? They are not. Kids today are not just smoking the easy stuff. They are into crack or other strong and deadly drugs.
Not only are they exposed to it on the television, but they are encouraged by others. They may be engaging in sexual acts that you have never heard of. They may be doing it unprotected as well. At school, after school, on the car ride home - there are many opportunities you do not realize. Teens get pregnant and have babies.
Today's teen problems often revolve around violence. They see friends with guns at school or after school. They witness huge fights. They hear threats. They see anger and deal with it daily.
With all that they see and do, teens face depression today at an alarming rate as compared to just a decade ago. Depression is not something that just goes away, but can cause them harm and threaten their lives.
Teens drive drunk. Teens drive under the influence of drugs. Teens get in cars that others are driving under the influence. Teens may also be responsible drivers, but share the road with those that are not.
Teen problems that are at a lower level can be just as deadly. They face lying, cheating, emotional trauma, learning disabilities and divorce. All of these things a child will face daily in some cases. In those cases, it is no wonder that they have low self esteems, high drop out rates and some of the students will break under the pressure. Teen problems should be addressed and noticed by their parents first.
In the normal course of your teen's day, he or she may face any of these things; one or more of them.
Think that drugs are simple like they used to be? They are not. Kids today are not just smoking the easy stuff. They are into crack or other strong and deadly drugs.
Not only are they exposed to it on the television, but they are encouraged by others. They may be engaging in sexual acts that you have never heard of. They may be doing it unprotected as well. At school, after school, on the car ride home - there are many opportunities you do not realize. Teens get pregnant and have babies.
Today's teen problems often revolve around violence. They see friends with guns at school or after school. They witness huge fights. They hear threats. They see anger and deal with it daily.
With all that they see and do, teens face depression today at an alarming rate as compared to just a decade ago. Depression is not something that just goes away, but can cause them harm and threaten their lives.
Teens drive drunk. Teens drive under the influence of drugs. Teens get in cars that others are driving under the influence. Teens may also be responsible drivers, but share the road with those that are not.
Teen problems that are at a lower level can be just as deadly. They face lying, cheating, emotional trauma, learning disabilities and divorce. All of these things a child will face daily in some cases. In those cases, it is no wonder that they have low self esteems, high drop out rates and some of the students will break under the pressure. Teen problems should be addressed and noticed by their parents first.
Posted by
9:24 AM
7 Good Reasons To Learn A Foreign Language
Learning a foreign language is naturally a process that requires effort and time, much or not, depending on the capability of an individual. Current technology makes learning a second language more flexible and easier. You can learn it anywhere you like, in your car while trapped in traffic jam, while waiting for commuter to arrive or fishing at Lake Garden, by means of many types of medium such as cassette, CD and the Internet, such as at where you will find a good resource of foreign languages. Below are just a few reasons why you should learn another language:
1. Most significant yet simple reason – Eliminate the language barrier that you may face, easier for you to deal with other people when you go traveling or have to work in another country. The majority of native people probably do not know how to speak English fluently or do not know how to speak English at all, so knowing some key phrases will help you a lot. Moreover, you will want to know what people around you are talking about while you're shopping, waiting for taxi, or having dinner at a restaurant.
2. Local people tend to be friendlier with you since you speak the same language as them. You also can get friends easily, which in return can help you greatly in dealing with certain troubles that you may encounter, and you may not know how to cope with, such as problems related with customary law. Locals also will believe you more than people who cannot speak their language, which is a good point when you are in a foreign land.
3. Knowing a foreign language really helps when you are lost in a remote area where you can hardly find people who can speak English except local language.
4. Giving you chances to understand the exotic local traditions and way of living easier and deeper. This priceless experience is absolutely an opportunity not be missed for anyone who love to travel. You can share beautiful moments having fun with locals on occasions and understand the meaning behind it, which in the same time, gives you knowledge.
5. Improve your memory skill resulting from activity of reading, learning and memorizing. Open up your mind to be more acceptable to other people’s differences. Your thinking will be more maturely and sensibly.
6. This is reality, guys: According to Kwintessential, people who learn a foreign language are wealthier, happier and are regarded sexier than those who can speak only English.
7. From a survey conducted in Britain involving 270 dating agencies, the result shows that people who speak or learn a foreign language are more attractive, intelligent and sexier to the opposite sex.
Hopefully some of the reasons above will give you some ideas on how important it is to learn an additional language. Continuous learning for life leads to success and wisdom.
Posted by
9:18 AM
Is My Teen Lying?
All teens lie, right? Teen lying is something that is done harmlessly and viciously. Teens lie for many reasons; most of them have to do with their ability to do it. Pulling a fast one over on mom and dad is something you probably tried too. But, in today's world, lying teens can get into a whole lot more trouble than you could. That is what makes it so important to know if your teen is lying to you and then to handle it.
Teens lie that their homework is done. They lie that they are fine when they may be dealing with heavy amounts of stress. They lie because they want to do something you are saying no to. They lie and they lie. Yet, what should you do if you think that your child is doing this?
Here are some things to think about.
What makes you think they are lying? If you accuse them of lying to you, they will never fess up to it. Instead, they may try to cover it up and they may get away with it. Instead of accusing them, sit them down and talk to them about it. Really, you just need to talk about it without yelling and accusations to make the problems less important.
Teens lying may be built onto something. They may want to impress you with where they are in their lives. They may not want to disappoint you either. Make sure that you are not pumping them up so much so that they feel they have to lie to you.
The lying teen may be covering up trouble. Know your teen and recognize the symptoms of other problems. Talk with them about things like drugs, alcohol and sex. Talk with them about how to react to these situations. Spot when you think there is a problem and work it out then.
While all teens lie from time to time, those that make it a habit may be covering up something that is much bigger. It is up to you to handle this now, before the teens lying gets them into huge amounts of trouble.
Posted by
8:57 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
When Things Go Wrong
Don't let bad dates and breakups bog you down—find a new relationship!
Tips For Ending a Bad Date
The guy that you have fancied for ages has asked you out on a date, and you've spent all day getting ready. Then when he turns up, he looks like he's been dragged through a hedge backwards, and that's just his hair! He's wearing a tatty t-shirt and an old pair of jeans, while you are all made up. It`s too late to get changed, so you leave with him anyway. Where does he take you? Yes you've got it - to your local pub or bar, where he spends have the night talking to his buddies, and the other half talking about them. Then to top it off, he takes you for Macdonalds. The whole date was a complete disaster. He is not the guy you thought he was, and you don't know why you ever fancied him in the first place.
So what do you do when it is time to say good night? How do you avoid the end of the date kiss? And how do you let him down gently without being to harsh?
It is obvious you have no intention of seeing him again, so don't beat about the bush. Just get straight to the point. Sometimes being nice just doesn't work. Being too nice to a guy that you have no interest in, can lead to mixed signals, giving them the wrong idea and sometimes unwanted advances.
Making your exit through a toilet window is not the way to escape the situation. Neither is popping to the loo with your bag and coat and escaping out of the front door. It works and is useful as a desperate measure if the date is really bad, but it is better to deflect the situation and call the date to an end amicably. Leaving someone standing is a bad way to work and should only occur if you are feeling deeply uncomfortable.
First off - thank him for a nice date, and explain (gently) that you don't feel that there is any chemistry. You may prefer to do this by phone at a later stage. If he asks for a second chance, and asks you to go on another date with him; you must be firm with him. If you don't want to have any kind of relationship with the guy, then you have to make it quite clear.
Don't tell him that you want to be friends, unless you are really serious about being his friend and actually believe it can happen. If you don't want to see him again, make this very clear and avoid any contact with him at all. Even giving in to a good night kiss will send out the wrong signal and that is the last thing you want.
Men are not good at reading signals and mistake many gestures you make towards them. They can take rejection badly but being cruel to be kind is the way forward. You need to keep a cool head but make things clear. If you were going out as a friend in the first place you should make this clear in advance otherwise you will end up trying to explain his advances are unwanted later and he will want to know why. Dating for men is as tricky as it is for women and therefore you owe it to yourself and your date to end things amicably, but swiftly if it is simply not what you are looking for.
That way both people can move forward.
Tips For Ending a Bad Date
The guy that you have fancied for ages has asked you out on a date, and you've spent all day getting ready. Then when he turns up, he looks like he's been dragged through a hedge backwards, and that's just his hair! He's wearing a tatty t-shirt and an old pair of jeans, while you are all made up. It`s too late to get changed, so you leave with him anyway. Where does he take you? Yes you've got it - to your local pub or bar, where he spends have the night talking to his buddies, and the other half talking about them. Then to top it off, he takes you for Macdonalds. The whole date was a complete disaster. He is not the guy you thought he was, and you don't know why you ever fancied him in the first place.
So what do you do when it is time to say good night? How do you avoid the end of the date kiss? And how do you let him down gently without being to harsh?
It is obvious you have no intention of seeing him again, so don't beat about the bush. Just get straight to the point. Sometimes being nice just doesn't work. Being too nice to a guy that you have no interest in, can lead to mixed signals, giving them the wrong idea and sometimes unwanted advances.
Making your exit through a toilet window is not the way to escape the situation. Neither is popping to the loo with your bag and coat and escaping out of the front door. It works and is useful as a desperate measure if the date is really bad, but it is better to deflect the situation and call the date to an end amicably. Leaving someone standing is a bad way to work and should only occur if you are feeling deeply uncomfortable.
First off - thank him for a nice date, and explain (gently) that you don't feel that there is any chemistry. You may prefer to do this by phone at a later stage. If he asks for a second chance, and asks you to go on another date with him; you must be firm with him. If you don't want to have any kind of relationship with the guy, then you have to make it quite clear.
Don't tell him that you want to be friends, unless you are really serious about being his friend and actually believe it can happen. If you don't want to see him again, make this very clear and avoid any contact with him at all. Even giving in to a good night kiss will send out the wrong signal and that is the last thing you want.
Men are not good at reading signals and mistake many gestures you make towards them. They can take rejection badly but being cruel to be kind is the way forward. You need to keep a cool head but make things clear. If you were going out as a friend in the first place you should make this clear in advance otherwise you will end up trying to explain his advances are unwanted later and he will want to know why. Dating for men is as tricky as it is for women and therefore you owe it to yourself and your date to end things amicably, but swiftly if it is simply not what you are looking for.
That way both people can move forward.
Posted by
12:35 PM
Undesirable Dates
I read a report this week from a top professor in the UK that said that most successful daters were those who dated people who had similar outlooks to themselves. Those who were far less careful when selecting a companion ended up having a much worse time. In other words, date the people who are most like you in character to be successful in romance. Simple really.
The fact is, we all occasionally choose the wrong type of people to date. Maybe it is the challenge, the novelty factor, the adventure or the risk. Maybe it is just boredom that makes us do these things. There are lots of reasons why we do. We may want to act as nursemaid, psychologist, mother, protector, sugar daddy, friend and assistant. So who are the wrong types that we should try and avoid?
Here are a few that spring to mind:
Married People
Don't even think about it my friend. This is a big no-no. If you are married too then you re about to enter an affair that could cost you not just a few stolen weekends but your marriage, kids, house, career, financial stability and your heart. Dating married people is a stupid game and for idiots only. Harsh words you may think but no good comes of dating married folk. You see , if you are single and they are married you cannot comprehend the amount of stress they will be dealing with during an affair and they won't tell you either. It is highly unlikely they will leave their partner for you. If they don't leave within the first 12 weeks, run like the wind. If the married person does leave them for you, then the pressure is all on your buddy and any time things go wrong in future you will be held severely accountable and blamed.
Then there are the lies. The deceit which strip you of your dignity. The fact that you will never get to see them at weekends when you have lots of spare time will drive you crazy. And finally , when you are all alone, they will be with their partner and family. All though you are having sex with someone, for the most part you will still be single. There are very few people in this world who can seriously cope with a long term married affair. Avoid unless you are a complete fool.
Serial Daters - The Lounge Lizard(ess)
This used to be the sole domain of men but in recent times women have become as predatory as men have always been. The serial dater is often interested ins ex and looks and will treat you as a trophy. You may think you can spot these types a mile away but you can't because they are extremely highly skilled in telling you what you want to hear. They will be psychologists and seducers who take in your every word and play it back to you in the hope that you will succumb. Once you have, there is no where to go, you may be asked to stay around for a short while so that you can be shown off to their friends but ultimately you will certainly be dumped to be quickly replaced by someone who meant as little as you did.
The Liar
There are few of us who are completely virtuous so lets not pretend too much here. There are a lot of people out there who have told a small lie to get someone into bed. Even worse, there are a great many who lie from the first date to simply try and impress. The problem here is that that almost all people who tell lies ultimately get found out. On your first date you will not be able to spot a liar if they are any good because you will have no time to go over what you have been told, it will only become clear over time. The risk is that by the time you discover the awful truth (whatever it is) you may have already fallen for them. Lying usually begins innocently enough and rapidly gets out of control as the person digs themselves a hole. You can protect yourself by being suspicious of any outlandish claims and checking out things you have been told. The general rule here is that if you suspect something, you are very probably right.
The Possessive Lover
Jealousy and possessiveness are more widespread than we care to admit. The happy go lucky person we have begun to date could easily turn into sleeping with the enemy so it pays to be wary. Almost always, jealousy and possessiveness come from deep insecurity, lack of self confidence and self worth. Everything begins normally enough but quickly your date wants to know where you are, who your friends are, calls too often and wants to pick you up from work. They comment on what you wear in the evening and prefer it that you stay home with them. A jealous person will try and keep you home whilst they themselves break their rules. They think that by keeping you isolated you will be more likely to stay put. These people are afraid that they do not deserve you and will do anything to keep you because they are convinced they are always about to lose you. They will not accept you are there because you want to be. Such people have emotional problems that you cannot fix and therefore avoid at all costs.
The Rebound Person
The date with emotional baggage is a non starter. Don't date these people. It may be that they are still coming to terms with the end of their last relationship so they are not looking for you yet, they are still looking backwards for their original lover. It can take some people years to get over a relationship break up so dating them will solve no problems in the short term. When someone is fully ready to date again it will show, but watch for constant references and comparisons with an ex and if it gets too much let them downs gently an walk away.
The Flirt
Very attractive in the first place but one of the worst dates you can choose in the longer term. Flirts love to have fun and be the center of attention and of course flirting is very sexy. But here we are referring to serial flirters, those who cannot help but wanting to be the center of attention with the opposite (or same) sex every time you go out. They will always be focusing on who can make them the center of attention and you may soon find you are being left out. This type is for the very secure only so be careful.
The Social Misfit
Your date does need to get on with your friends and mix well in your established social circle. In the same way you need to be able to mix easily in theirs. That is the basis of a good match as there are many unspoken belief system confirmations going on when you mix. If you mix together well then you have the same social beliefs in terms of behavior, humor, communication etc. You may feel that you can date people from completely different social climates but be very well prepared if so.
The Boss
No no no no no. The worst date you can choose. Mixing business and pleasure is a recipe for disaster and not worth contemplating. You may be attracted to their power and position, their looks, intellect and sophistication but the rest of the office will see you as trying to sleep yourself to the top. When it all goes wrong you will have no place to hide and in the meantime your entire private life will be the attention of the office gossips. Just don't go there unless you wish to get hurt and harm your career.
The fact is, we all occasionally choose the wrong type of people to date. Maybe it is the challenge, the novelty factor, the adventure or the risk. Maybe it is just boredom that makes us do these things. There are lots of reasons why we do. We may want to act as nursemaid, psychologist, mother, protector, sugar daddy, friend and assistant. So who are the wrong types that we should try and avoid?
Here are a few that spring to mind:
Married People
Don't even think about it my friend. This is a big no-no. If you are married too then you re about to enter an affair that could cost you not just a few stolen weekends but your marriage, kids, house, career, financial stability and your heart. Dating married people is a stupid game and for idiots only. Harsh words you may think but no good comes of dating married folk. You see , if you are single and they are married you cannot comprehend the amount of stress they will be dealing with during an affair and they won't tell you either. It is highly unlikely they will leave their partner for you. If they don't leave within the first 12 weeks, run like the wind. If the married person does leave them for you, then the pressure is all on your buddy and any time things go wrong in future you will be held severely accountable and blamed.
Then there are the lies. The deceit which strip you of your dignity. The fact that you will never get to see them at weekends when you have lots of spare time will drive you crazy. And finally , when you are all alone, they will be with their partner and family. All though you are having sex with someone, for the most part you will still be single. There are very few people in this world who can seriously cope with a long term married affair. Avoid unless you are a complete fool.
Serial Daters - The Lounge Lizard(ess)
This used to be the sole domain of men but in recent times women have become as predatory as men have always been. The serial dater is often interested ins ex and looks and will treat you as a trophy. You may think you can spot these types a mile away but you can't because they are extremely highly skilled in telling you what you want to hear. They will be psychologists and seducers who take in your every word and play it back to you in the hope that you will succumb. Once you have, there is no where to go, you may be asked to stay around for a short while so that you can be shown off to their friends but ultimately you will certainly be dumped to be quickly replaced by someone who meant as little as you did.
The Liar
There are few of us who are completely virtuous so lets not pretend too much here. There are a lot of people out there who have told a small lie to get someone into bed. Even worse, there are a great many who lie from the first date to simply try and impress. The problem here is that that almost all people who tell lies ultimately get found out. On your first date you will not be able to spot a liar if they are any good because you will have no time to go over what you have been told, it will only become clear over time. The risk is that by the time you discover the awful truth (whatever it is) you may have already fallen for them. Lying usually begins innocently enough and rapidly gets out of control as the person digs themselves a hole. You can protect yourself by being suspicious of any outlandish claims and checking out things you have been told. The general rule here is that if you suspect something, you are very probably right.
The Possessive Lover
Jealousy and possessiveness are more widespread than we care to admit. The happy go lucky person we have begun to date could easily turn into sleeping with the enemy so it pays to be wary. Almost always, jealousy and possessiveness come from deep insecurity, lack of self confidence and self worth. Everything begins normally enough but quickly your date wants to know where you are, who your friends are, calls too often and wants to pick you up from work. They comment on what you wear in the evening and prefer it that you stay home with them. A jealous person will try and keep you home whilst they themselves break their rules. They think that by keeping you isolated you will be more likely to stay put. These people are afraid that they do not deserve you and will do anything to keep you because they are convinced they are always about to lose you. They will not accept you are there because you want to be. Such people have emotional problems that you cannot fix and therefore avoid at all costs.
The Rebound Person
The date with emotional baggage is a non starter. Don't date these people. It may be that they are still coming to terms with the end of their last relationship so they are not looking for you yet, they are still looking backwards for their original lover. It can take some people years to get over a relationship break up so dating them will solve no problems in the short term. When someone is fully ready to date again it will show, but watch for constant references and comparisons with an ex and if it gets too much let them downs gently an walk away.
The Flirt
Very attractive in the first place but one of the worst dates you can choose in the longer term. Flirts love to have fun and be the center of attention and of course flirting is very sexy. But here we are referring to serial flirters, those who cannot help but wanting to be the center of attention with the opposite (or same) sex every time you go out. They will always be focusing on who can make them the center of attention and you may soon find you are being left out. This type is for the very secure only so be careful.
The Social Misfit
Your date does need to get on with your friends and mix well in your established social circle. In the same way you need to be able to mix easily in theirs. That is the basis of a good match as there are many unspoken belief system confirmations going on when you mix. If you mix together well then you have the same social beliefs in terms of behavior, humor, communication etc. You may feel that you can date people from completely different social climates but be very well prepared if so.
The Boss
No no no no no. The worst date you can choose. Mixing business and pleasure is a recipe for disaster and not worth contemplating. You may be attracted to their power and position, their looks, intellect and sophistication but the rest of the office will see you as trying to sleep yourself to the top. When it all goes wrong you will have no place to hide and in the meantime your entire private life will be the attention of the office gossips. Just don't go there unless you wish to get hurt and harm your career.
Posted by
12:34 PM
Handling Rejection
Rejection is one of our greatest fears and a fear that can do some of the greatest damage to us. When dealing with dating matters, rejection is a subject never very far away. Being rejected by someone makes us feel small, worthless, insecure and unwanted. We lose our self confidence and want to crawl into our shells until we feel stronger again. We may do something outrageous instead, something on the rebound to exact some from of revenge. That can make us feel better. The fact is, being rejected hurts, whoever we are.
Most people like being loved and like being popular. It makes us feel good about ourselves. We sometimes meet grumpy people who say that they don't care what others think of them and whilst there maybe be one or two who do think that way, most of us hate being not liked. The way we handle rejection though is dependent on many self factors, our childhood, the way we were brought up, our earliest relationships etc.
Rejection comes in many forms, from a partner being unfaithful to a loved one moving out or calling off a relationship for good. Rejection may come in the smallest of ways, from someone making no effort on your behalf on an important occasions to a partner who simply falls out of love. Rejection can be a date who doesn't show up or a date who says that they don't want to take things further. But whatever the scenario, of you are on the receiving end of rejection you need to spend some time keeping things in perspective by looking at the bigger picture and relating it to the many positive aspects of your life.
The way we handle rejection is important in helping us keep our self esteem and dignity. When we are rejected we often want to go crazy and blame ourselves for being rejected when the reality is its usually the other person's problem, not ours. But when we are rejected if we are nice people we can forgive and forget fairly easily and make excuses for the person rejecting us. If we do that we are not helping ourselves. If we are rejected the best thing we can do is to move on, in time.
Being rejected hurts. The person you entrusted with hopes, desires and feelings has turned round and said that they don't want personal involvement with you. When this happens you immediately move into blame mode. It must be, in some way or another, your fault for being rejected. Maybe its the way you look, your shape or height, your hair or lack of it. Maybe the way you acted , the things you said or the things you did that caused the rejection. You ask yourself is there was anything you could have done to prevent it. Lots of "maybes". These are all natural questions we ask ourselves in the rejection process but they are the things we should try and avoid.
The fear of rejection is a debilitating issue. It stops us doing all the things we should. It stops us approaching the person we really like. Rejection is the curse, confidence is the cure. The way to fix rejection is to balance with confidence building pastimes, activities and thoughts and good times. If you feel good about yourself then you know some truths about yourself too. You know if you are good at your job, if you are organized, well dressed, in shape etc. You don't need to worry about what other people think about you to feel happy about yourself which in turn means that if a date doesn't go well or someone simply doesn't like you then , well , we can't all please everyone can we. To be exact, the more confident you are, the better you will be able to cope with some forms of rejection.
It is beyond the scope of this brief article to suggest ways of dealing with the feelings of rejection that we feel from the failure of a marriage or long term relationship, from fidelity or major domestic drama. But what is true in most cases is that when we are rejected we will come back stronger than ever, over time. Rejection in many instances moves us into a time of reflection and thought, of new perspectives and inner learning. It is a useful process because it also allows us to learn about ourselves.
The thing that annoys me most of all about rejection when dating is the lack of honesty in people. When someone doesn't like you they should say so. When they don't intend to see you again then say so. If they are not going to call then they should admit it. There is nothing more refreshing on a single date that either party being honest and saying that they would prefer to leave it there. When we are lied to, the feeling of rejection is compounded.
Another interesting facet of rejection is that there are people out there who will reject before they themselves are rejected. Its a kind of defense mechanism. If they feel they are not doing too well, they will dump you, before you may possibly dump them. I know some people who have told me that they have never been rejected or dumped because they always do it first. So keep that in mind if someone rejects you.
I don't have all the quick answers to this complex topic but I will say that if you learn about yourself, get to know your weaknesses and find ways of keeping your perspective open, your realism levels in tact, your humor great and your confidence bubbling then rejection will wash over you from time to time easier than if you don't. Looking back on my life, if I were to imagine myself with most of the people who have rejected me, I couldn't. That is because they were never right for me in the first place.
Most people like being loved and like being popular. It makes us feel good about ourselves. We sometimes meet grumpy people who say that they don't care what others think of them and whilst there maybe be one or two who do think that way, most of us hate being not liked. The way we handle rejection though is dependent on many self factors, our childhood, the way we were brought up, our earliest relationships etc.
Rejection comes in many forms, from a partner being unfaithful to a loved one moving out or calling off a relationship for good. Rejection may come in the smallest of ways, from someone making no effort on your behalf on an important occasions to a partner who simply falls out of love. Rejection can be a date who doesn't show up or a date who says that they don't want to take things further. But whatever the scenario, of you are on the receiving end of rejection you need to spend some time keeping things in perspective by looking at the bigger picture and relating it to the many positive aspects of your life.
The way we handle rejection is important in helping us keep our self esteem and dignity. When we are rejected we often want to go crazy and blame ourselves for being rejected when the reality is its usually the other person's problem, not ours. But when we are rejected if we are nice people we can forgive and forget fairly easily and make excuses for the person rejecting us. If we do that we are not helping ourselves. If we are rejected the best thing we can do is to move on, in time.
Being rejected hurts. The person you entrusted with hopes, desires and feelings has turned round and said that they don't want personal involvement with you. When this happens you immediately move into blame mode. It must be, in some way or another, your fault for being rejected. Maybe its the way you look, your shape or height, your hair or lack of it. Maybe the way you acted , the things you said or the things you did that caused the rejection. You ask yourself is there was anything you could have done to prevent it. Lots of "maybes". These are all natural questions we ask ourselves in the rejection process but they are the things we should try and avoid.
The fear of rejection is a debilitating issue. It stops us doing all the things we should. It stops us approaching the person we really like. Rejection is the curse, confidence is the cure. The way to fix rejection is to balance with confidence building pastimes, activities and thoughts and good times. If you feel good about yourself then you know some truths about yourself too. You know if you are good at your job, if you are organized, well dressed, in shape etc. You don't need to worry about what other people think about you to feel happy about yourself which in turn means that if a date doesn't go well or someone simply doesn't like you then , well , we can't all please everyone can we. To be exact, the more confident you are, the better you will be able to cope with some forms of rejection.
It is beyond the scope of this brief article to suggest ways of dealing with the feelings of rejection that we feel from the failure of a marriage or long term relationship, from fidelity or major domestic drama. But what is true in most cases is that when we are rejected we will come back stronger than ever, over time. Rejection in many instances moves us into a time of reflection and thought, of new perspectives and inner learning. It is a useful process because it also allows us to learn about ourselves.
The thing that annoys me most of all about rejection when dating is the lack of honesty in people. When someone doesn't like you they should say so. When they don't intend to see you again then say so. If they are not going to call then they should admit it. There is nothing more refreshing on a single date that either party being honest and saying that they would prefer to leave it there. When we are lied to, the feeling of rejection is compounded.
Another interesting facet of rejection is that there are people out there who will reject before they themselves are rejected. Its a kind of defense mechanism. If they feel they are not doing too well, they will dump you, before you may possibly dump them. I know some people who have told me that they have never been rejected or dumped because they always do it first. So keep that in mind if someone rejects you.
I don't have all the quick answers to this complex topic but I will say that if you learn about yourself, get to know your weaknesses and find ways of keeping your perspective open, your realism levels in tact, your humor great and your confidence bubbling then rejection will wash over you from time to time easier than if you don't. Looking back on my life, if I were to imagine myself with most of the people who have rejected me, I couldn't. That is because they were never right for me in the first place.
Posted by
12:33 PM
Other Dating Tips & Info
Buying a gift for a date is prone to disaster so some careful thinking is involved. You meet someone, you like them, you want to please them so its only natural in our commercial world to want to get your plastic out and start spending. Wrong, stop an think about what you are doing. Gifts don't buy love so neither do you. You love someone and they love you for genuine emotional reasons. Yes buying a present or two emphasizes kindness but it doesn't play a major factor. For those who are well impressed by all gifts received, do yourself a favor and steer well clear.
To buy a dating gift well you need to know your lover first, well enough to surprise them and show some of your excellent imagination. The smallest amount of imagination shows forethought and kindness and it shows that you listen well. Which in a man's case is hugely to his advantage when dating. Listen to her and surprise her later, much later.
When you first begin dating, you should show your knowledge and appreciation of the things you have learned about your new partner in very simple terms. For men you should buy flowers, small amounts of pretty natural flowers, not glaring bouquets of red roses. Don't buy flowers every day because everything in large amounts is heavily devalued. Always give in person where you can as deliveries are too impersonal. Also look for pictures and books that she likes, the smallest of teddy bears perhaps and leave it there. For women, its often hard to buy for men but most have some keen interests in a sport or hobby they will have talked about and therefore once again keep it small but pertinent.
You should not then buy further presents until your dating evolves over the next 3 months. If a birthday arises then buy the other dinner as a treat and perhaps the smallest of dating gifts. If Christmas or a religious festival arises in this early period again keep it small and personal.
At the end of 3 months buy a gift for your partner that signifies this small landmark, just one item. Don't make a big thing out of it but make it personal and in keeping with the character of your date. Splashing out on a trip to Venice can wait for your honeymoon. Guys, keep getting your lover small bunches of flowers and mean it when you give them.
You should then infrequently treat your partner with gifts until your first anniversary at which stage you can then let your imagination run riot. Once you approach your first year you really will be on the right road and now is the time to splash out and buy something more significant, whether it be a piece of keepsake jewelry or a watch or luxury item.
I know one couple who are friends who now buy each other more than 100 presents each at Christmas time.. It is their way of going crazy over each other and they both get immense satisfaction in the amount of creative thinking involved in selecting presents. However this kind of lavishness (if you can afford it) does come, but not until later. When you begin dating never forget that it is about the two of you, about your feelings and that no amount of gifts, large or small will make things better. If anything, large amounts of gifts early on can only have a negative effect by devaluing the whole dating experience.
The sad things is that most long term relationships crumble under infidelity or money problems. Don't begin life with your new partner on the wrong foot. If you cannot afford an expensive dating gift, that is fine.
Our Top Dating Gifts
· Small bunches of natural flowers
· Quality perfume or cologne
· Cards and messages
· Paying for dinner
· Theater and concert tickets
· Paying for a small trip
· A well-researched book
To buy a dating gift well you need to know your lover first, well enough to surprise them and show some of your excellent imagination. The smallest amount of imagination shows forethought and kindness and it shows that you listen well. Which in a man's case is hugely to his advantage when dating. Listen to her and surprise her later, much later.
When you first begin dating, you should show your knowledge and appreciation of the things you have learned about your new partner in very simple terms. For men you should buy flowers, small amounts of pretty natural flowers, not glaring bouquets of red roses. Don't buy flowers every day because everything in large amounts is heavily devalued. Always give in person where you can as deliveries are too impersonal. Also look for pictures and books that she likes, the smallest of teddy bears perhaps and leave it there. For women, its often hard to buy for men but most have some keen interests in a sport or hobby they will have talked about and therefore once again keep it small but pertinent.
You should not then buy further presents until your dating evolves over the next 3 months. If a birthday arises then buy the other dinner as a treat and perhaps the smallest of dating gifts. If Christmas or a religious festival arises in this early period again keep it small and personal.
At the end of 3 months buy a gift for your partner that signifies this small landmark, just one item. Don't make a big thing out of it but make it personal and in keeping with the character of your date. Splashing out on a trip to Venice can wait for your honeymoon. Guys, keep getting your lover small bunches of flowers and mean it when you give them.
You should then infrequently treat your partner with gifts until your first anniversary at which stage you can then let your imagination run riot. Once you approach your first year you really will be on the right road and now is the time to splash out and buy something more significant, whether it be a piece of keepsake jewelry or a watch or luxury item.
I know one couple who are friends who now buy each other more than 100 presents each at Christmas time.. It is their way of going crazy over each other and they both get immense satisfaction in the amount of creative thinking involved in selecting presents. However this kind of lavishness (if you can afford it) does come, but not until later. When you begin dating never forget that it is about the two of you, about your feelings and that no amount of gifts, large or small will make things better. If anything, large amounts of gifts early on can only have a negative effect by devaluing the whole dating experience.
The sad things is that most long term relationships crumble under infidelity or money problems. Don't begin life with your new partner on the wrong foot. If you cannot afford an expensive dating gift, that is fine.
Our Top Dating Gifts
· Small bunches of natural flowers
· Quality perfume or cologne
· Cards and messages
· Paying for dinner
· Theater and concert tickets
· Paying for a small trip
· A well-researched book
Posted by
12:08 PM
Dating and Flowers
Dating and Flowers are Inseparable for Romance
Romance means flowers. They are beautiful creations of nature, colorful, delicate and small works of art. There are few women in this world who do not like receiving flowers and there are fewer still reasons why flowers should not be given throughout the year. Men still appear to have a problem with giving flowers and look completely lost in a decent florist. There are no excuses for this guys. So it is about time men got to grips with giving flowers to women more regularly.
The first thing that strikes me is that men often view flowers as superfluous, too expensive, a complete waste of cash or simply unnecessary. Well guys you are wrong on all counts. And just to be clear, the person writing this article is a man. A man who shows a knowledge of flowers and feels very comfortable selecting and purchasing for his lady is sexy, shows knowledge and confidence. He is happy with himself, his sexuality and his abilities. A man who doesn't know where a florist is, has hardly ever bought flowers, doesn't know pink ones from yellow ones is a pathetic creature who deserves to be single.
The worst kind of flower incident of the year has got to be Valentine's day. On this day the florists are crowded and the phone rings off the hook. The poor shops are under pressure from hoards of men who are clamoring for two dozen red roses for their loved ones. For the other 364 days a year such men don't even know where the florist is. Interflora and the many delivery firms are stretched to overload in delivering the same de rigueur flowers across the land. My problem is that there are so many beautiful flowers throughout the year that you could give and nowhere near as expensive as on 14 February. Your date would love to receive early spring flowers like tulips of daffodils. They would love to receive pink roses in June or even a single daisy in August.
The problem is that men often think that the act of buying flowers threatens their masculinity. They see the whole process as a chore, they often don't appreciate what they are buying and quite frankly it shows. It makes me angry when there are so many beautiful florists in each city that are largely ignored by them men of our world. I was not surprised to see in a local florists the other day an ad saying to women, he will never buy them so why not get your own. How sad an indictment is that.
I recommend that all men who have a problem with flowers should start getting their act together immediately. I am not asking that we should all know the Latin names of every plant out there but we should be getting to grips with the common varieties and exotic varieties now on offer and then get into the groove of buying them spontaneously. My sister's house always smells fresh and beautiful from the white lilies her boyfriend buys her very regularly. That's impressive.
I recommend the following tips:
· Locate a good local or city florist
· Always keep a reliable delivery number in your wallet
· Never send flowers every day, its cheap and tacky
· Learn the basics about flowers and their colors
· Know the seasonal flowers and the filler flowers like Gypsophilia
· Get used to the fact that flowers cost money
· Find out what kind of flowers your loved one likes
· Join a short evening class at your local florist if possible
· Never rely on red roses as being the only flower worth giving
· Be adventurous and go for single exotic flowers occasionally
· A single well chosen flower speaks volumes of romance
· Never be afraid to carry flowers down a street, you look good my friend.
· Locate a good local or city florist
· Always keep a reliable delivery number in your wallet
· Never send flowers every day, its cheap and tacky
· Learn the basics about flowers and their colors
· Know the seasonal flowers and the filler flowers like Gypsophilia
· Get used to the fact that flowers cost money
· Find out what kind of flowers your loved one likes
· Join a short evening class at your local florist if possible
· Never rely on red roses as being the only flower worth giving
· Be adventurous and go for single exotic flowers occasionally
· A single well chosen flower speaks volumes of romance
· Never be afraid to carry flowers down a street, you look good my friend.
Flowers do not need to be expensive, they are only expensive at Christmas or on Valentine's day. Learn to go for the simple approach with flowers and select by color. Know which plants last longest also helps you get value for money. If possible get flowers in an arrangement that is made especially for you in the shop but don't go mad with size. Big is not necessarily best. Select arrangements that have a water ball at the bottom to keep them fresh.
And remember guys, you don't just need to spontaneously buy your girlfriend flowers, you can buy for your mum and her mum too. Flowers are an act of giving which display thought and good choice without being inappropriate or expensive. Show your class.
Posted by
12:07 PM
Dating Statistics:
Top Dating Tips Poll Statistics
Have you ever dated more than one person simultaneously ?
1. Yes 53%
2. No 33%
3. Don't Know 13%
Do you believe in love at first sight ?
1. Yes 71%
2. No 20%
3. Don't Know 9%
Choose the most important features of a partner
1. Looks 11%
2. Personality 30%
3. Physique 5%
4. Sense of Humor 14%
5. Eyes 10%
6. Popularity 0%
7. Smile 12%
8. Hair 7%
9. Education 7%
10. Career 3%
When a previous relationship has ended which of these is true ?
1. I was unfaithful 0%
2. He/she was unfaithful 29%
3. Amicable separation 9%
4. Irreconcilable differences 23%
5. Angry breakup 3%
6. Still friends 14%
7. Still lovers 3%
8. Just drifted apart 6%
9. Not sure what happened 14%
On a date do you think your companion is generally 100% truthful ?
1. Yes 22%
2. No 78%
3. Don't know 0%
When does a date become a relationship ?
1. 1 week 3%
2. 1 month 17%
3. 2 months 20%
4. 6 months 13%
5. Once we have had sex 13%
6. Once I have met the parents 8%
7. Once we have been on vacation 0%
8. Once we have moved in together 0%
9. When he/she says I love you 25%
Do you trust someone when you first date them ?
1. Yes 24%
2. No 67%
3. Don't Know 10%
Do you think it is okay to date someone from work ?
1. Yes, absolutely 22%
2. Yes, if you are careful 26%
3. Yes, if it remains a secret 4%
4. Yes, but not from your own office 15%
5. No, you will risk your career 13%
6. No, absolutely not 11%
7. Unsure 9%
What is the biggest acceptable age gap for you ?
1. Same age only 0%
2. 1 years 2%
3.3 years 12%
4. 5 years 44%
5. 10 years 24%
6. 15 years 4%
7. 20 years 2%
8. 25 years 4%
9. Age doesn't matter at all 8%
What is the first thing you notice about your date ?
1. Looks 38%
2. Dress 10%
3. Personality 17%
4. Wealth 0%
5. Style 2%
6. Manners 0%
7. Smile 10%
8. Eyes 19%
9. Humor 4%
10. Generosity 0%
How hard it it to find someone you really like?
1.) Impossible 9%
2.) Difficult 59%
3.) Fairly difficult 21%
4.) Fairly easy 9%
5.) Very easy 3%
Do you think people's expectations are too high these days ?
1.) Yes 62%
2.) No 31%
3.) Don't Know 7%
Do you like being single ?
1.) I love it 0%
2.) I like it 15%
3.) I don't mind 35%
4.) I don't like it 15%
5.) I hate it 35%
Do appearance and looks matter to you ?
1.) Yes 67%
2.) No 17%
3.) Don't know 17%
Would you ever use internet dating services ?
1.) Yes 69%
2.) No 20%
3.) Don't know 11%
Do you find it easy to meet new people ?
1.) Very easy 17%
2.) Quite easy 6%
3.) Easy 17%
4.) Quite difficult 42%
5.) Very difficult 17%
6.) Impossible 3%
How long have you been single ?
1.) 1 week 11%
2.) 1 month 7%
3.) 3 months 22%
4.) 6 months 18%
5.) 1 year 11%
6.) 2 years 7%
7.) 2 years+ 24%
Would you like to get married ?
1.) Yes 44%
2.) No 12%
3.) Maybe 32%
4.) Not again 4%
5.) Don't know 8%
Where is the best place to meet new people ?
1.) Bar 18%
2.) Club 11%
3.) Beach 4%
4.) Church 2%
5.) Social club 4%
6.) Mall 4%
7.) Internet 18%
8.) Work 22%
9.) Sport 7%
10.) Other 9%
What kind of hair color are you most attracted to ?
1.) Blonde 32%
2.) Black 16%
3.) Light Brown 8%
4.) Dark Brown 8%
5.) Grey 4%
6.) Red 8%
7.) Bald 8%
8.) Don't Mind 16%
Posted by
12:06 PM
In 2006
Girls, do you prefer nice guys or bad guys ?
1. Nice Guys 38%
2. Bad Guys 15%
3. Any man I can get ! 6%
4. A blend of both 34%
5. Neither 7%
How important are a guy's shoes when checking him out ?
1. Extremely 8%
2. Very 13%
3. Quite 45%
4. Not very 11%
5. Not at all 6%
6. Don't notice 18%
Are men too clingy these days ?
1. Yes 38%
2. No 33%
3. Haven't noticed 11%
4. Don't know 18%
Do you think a man should pay for dinner ?
1. Yes always 42%
2. It depends if I like him 4%
3. Sometimes 34%
4. No, both should share the cost 11%
5. No the girl should pay 1%
6. Only if it's expensive 0%
7. No opinion 7%
What kind of woman do you go for ?
1. Modern career girl 35%
2. Professional go-getter 7%
3. Home-loving girl-next-door 34%
4. The quiet librarian 4%
5. The outrageous vamp 0%
6. The femme fatale 0%
7. The girl at the checkout 6%
8. Someone like mom 1%
9. The free spirited hippy chick 8%
10. Your ex 6%
Do girls over estimate their looks ?
1. Always 15%
2. Usually 25%
3. Sometimes 28%
4. Rarely 17%
5. Never 5%
6. All women are beautiful 10%
Do you know what people are attracted to about you ?
1. Yes always 4%
2. Yes I have some ideas 32%
3. I can guess 18%
4. Not really 32%
5. No idea 14%
Have you ever had a one night stand and regretted it the next day ?
1. Yes 42%
2. No 53%
3. Maybe, not telling 3%
4. Not sure 2%
Girls, how often should men buy flowers for you ?
1. Once a day 5%
2. Once a week 9%
3. Once a month 23%
4. Once a year 5%
5. When it's special 20%
6. Spontaneously 33%
7. Never 6%
For me, dating is mainly about..... ?
1. Love 21%
2. Marriage 19%
3. Friendship 8%
4. Partnership 6%
5. Sex 19%
6. Company 3%
7. Social life 3%
8. Romance 12%
9. Conversation 3% 10. Sharing 6%
If you wish to use these statistics in your own articles or research you must quote as the resource
Posted by
12:05 PM
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